Laser Dentistry

Laser Attachment Regeneration/L.A.R

Are you curious to learn more about this revolutionary, state-of-the-art procedure?

Gum disease has been linked to a variety of health complications including heart disease and low birth-weight babies.
Until now the majority of the treatment options available were invasive and painful. Laser Attachment Regeneration/ L.A.R is minimally invasive and does not require the cutting or stitching of the gums!

Right now there are millions of Americans living with gum disease; however, only a small percentage of this number will seek professional treatment. Research has linked gum disease to a variety of health complications including diabetes, heart disease, pancreatic cancer, and low birth weight. While gum disease might seem like an inconvenience or irritation in its early stages, it is a significant health risk that should be taken seriously.
Until recently, treatments for gum disease have been invasive and painful. Proper treatment meant either dental surgery to cut and remove affected gums or extracting teeth and replacing them with dentures or dental implants.

The LAR procedure utilizes the Precise LTM Laser to provide a less invasive, more acute treatment for gum disease. The procedure targets and kills the bacteria that cause gum disease, removes damaged gum tissue, and reattaches healthy tissue to a tooth’s root surface. LAR treats gum disease without the pain, gum line recession, or increased sensitivity traditionally associated with periodontal treatments.
LAR can save teeth that would otherwise require extraction by promoting bone regeneration around the tooth. It does save teeth, reduces pocket depth, and regenerates bone growth to achieve optimum periodontal health.

Advantages of L.A.R.

  • Faster Healing – LAR is minimally invasive and allows the body to recover and heal more quickly.
  • Less Discomfort – The Precise LTM Laser incites bio-stimulation in the treated areas which expedites healing and makes the need for post-operative pain medication rare.
  • Minimal Recovery Time – Most patients can immediately return to their daily routine.
  • Little to No Gum Recession – Because the procedure removes only damaged tissue, gum line recession is minimal; the aesthetic appearance of the smile is maintained.
  • Reduction in Gum Inflammation and Bleeding – LAR can remove up to 90% of oral inflammation in one visit. The Precise LTM Laser targets inflammatory bacteria without injuring healthy tissue.
  • Minimal Operative Bleeding – Precise LTM Laser controls bleeding during surgery through the formation of clots and minimizes the risk of bleeding and complications.
  • Saving of Teeth – Patients can keep their natural teeth sometimes even when the teeth have been deemed unsalvageable with traditional treatments.
  • Safety – LAR has zero contraindications; it does not interfere with any other diseases or medications.